Today Prime Video officially confirmed that Samantha Ruth Prabhu will be seen sharing the screen space with Bollywood star Varun Dhawan in the Indian installment of the Citadel universe, the global event series from the Prime Video and the Russo Brothers’ AGBO. Samantha Ruth Prabhu’ first look posters from the show Citadel is also out today, February 1.
The untitled Citadel series based out of India starring South diva Samantha will be helmed by renowned creator duo Raj and DK . The production is currently underway in Mumbai. After this, the team will head to North India and then onwards to international locales like South Africa and Serbia. . The screenplay of Citadel is written by Sita R Menon, along with Raj and DK.
Earlier during an interview Samantha had said, “When Prime Video and Raj & DK approached me with this project Citadel, I decided to take it up! After working with this team on the web series The Family Man, it is homecoming for me. I am also looking forward to be working with Varun Dhawan for the first time in my filmy career, on this project.”
The show Citadel comes from AGBO and Weil and is set to premiere in 2023.
Just IN! @Samanthaprabhu2 joins @Varun_dvn in @primevideoin’s Indian installment of Citadel. Definitely excited for this combination!
@rajndk @MenonSita @d2r_films #RussoBrothers @agbo_films @AmazonStudios @proyuvraaj— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) February 1, 2023
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