Tollywood director Siva Nageswara Rao, one of Tollywood’s senior directors, shared the interesting things that happened in the beginning of Samantha‘s career. He said that he had to launch her himself but could not due to some reasons.
In 2010, Samantha was introduced to the silver screen. Before that she was selected for a Tamil film. While the release of the film was delayed, Ye Maaya Chesave became the debut movie opposite Naga Chaitanya. Director Gautham Menon Vasudev’s Ye Maaya Chesave was a super hit. Samantha became an overnight star. She established herself as a star with a series of hits. Samantha has never looked back in her career.
Siva Nageswara Rao auditioned Samantha as the heroine for ‘Ninnu Kalisaka’. Samantha came to Hyderabad from Chennai for the audition. Samantha auditioned well. Remuneration negotiations were held to bring Samantha. Samantha asked for a big amount, which was going out of the budget of the film. That is why Samantha was not casted for this film.
After completing the audition, Samantha said that she should leave Chennai immediately. The rates of flight tickets were very high. The team had requested Samantha to stay back in Hyderabad for a day and requested her to return on the next day as the transport fare was a bit too high on that particular day, but since she was not ready to stay back in Hyderabad, the team booked an expensive ticket and sent her back to Chennai on same day.
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